On this, my last day in the building maintenance course, I had a typically interesting morning. The general rule of thumb is that we are supposed to be "called out" for school, work, chow, meds, and whatnot. For some reason, they rarely ever call out my CAC building class. So I have devised several ways to "escape" from my run and get to class on time. Well, as usual, I got out this morning and was at the gate between yards to go to class. The cantankerous cop asked where I was going, and I told her.
"They haven't called you out yet," she said to me.
"They never call us out," said I.
"Yes they do, if you would just wait in your run, you would hear them, now get back home and wait until you are called."
"Yes ma'am," I said.
Of course, they didn't call. By this time I was late, and I asked the CO in my run if we had class. Twice. He couldn't be bothered to pick up his radio and ask. Eventually, breakfast was called, so I went back up to the gate. I asked the same cantankerous cop if there was CAC. She did bother to pick up a radio, this time, and call to the class.
"Did you call for CAC?" she asked.
"Negative," came the crackly response.
"Is a teacher there, are there students there?"
"Affirmative," came the reply.
So she gave me a dirty look, and said "wait by the fence," as if I were the one who messed up. she made no apology or even acknowledgement that she had sent me back, telling me that they "always" call for class.
I got through the fence, but of course the classroom area was locked, so I waved through the window. Eventually, the instructor shuffled out and gruffly said "would you explain why you're half an hour late?" So I punched him.
Oh, wait, that was just my fantasy. I explained, he let me in, and then the TA said, "good thing you're here, otherwise I'd have to giving you a zero"-- meaning 0 hours for zero "pay". Then I asked him if I could take my final exam. "No, we are getting sent home in a few minutes." And we were.
So, on the plus side, I will get paid my 75¢ for the day, but on the minus side, I have to go through all of it again… tomorrow.
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