Wednesday, September 26, 2012

On Prison

September 26, 2012

The state penitentiary system of Arizona has absolutely convinced me of the unenlightened state of this nation.  I am sure that this will be regarded as unpatriotic or worse by many, but I believe that we have an obligation to make things better in any capacity that we can.

I can speak with an intimate knowledge of only the state of Arizona.  While it's possible that other states may well be trying to accomplish something positive in their own penal systems, I suspect that their policies are also dictated by the same ignorance and greed the is the motivation behind Arizona's System.  Economics governs the prison system far more than any desire to promote rehabilitation or provide justice.  This is understandable in these days of economic uncertainty and budget nightmares, but the concept is fundamentally flawed.

Prisons are viewed as a money generating institution (at least in Arizona) rather than the drain on taxes and loss of commerce that they truly are.  The jobs, funds, and micro-economies created by a penal institutions require a constant flow of prisoners, so there is no economic desire to deter  inmates from returning.  The oftentimes ridiculous restrictions on parolees, ex-felons, and sex offenders are more a reflection of economics than any desire to protect society.

In my situation here in Arizona,  top bunks have been added in all of the dorms designed for single occupancy, effectively doubling the capacity.  And the few programs that are offered for addiction, anger management, cognitive reshaping, and skill-based education seem to be more about the funds they generate from state and federal coffers than about any real attempt to create rehab or learning opportunity for inmates.

The lifetime probations -- an almost certain sentence in any sex offense -- require monthly fees and restrictions that make it nearly impossible for ex-cons and to survive, creating a revolving door of inmates that keep the finances coming. This is evidenced by the fact that while actual crime rates have remained constant and have even have declined in the past 10 to 20 years, sentences and recidivism rates continue to increase.

What governmental policy makers and legislators fail to realize, or more likely refuse to acknowledge, is that the system is an incredible drain on the financial structure as well as on societal growth as a whole.  Whether intentional or not, (I think we all know which is the case) any alternative would require drastic change of policy, and there's nothing that those with power fear more than change.

Is not our entire nation's existence supposed to be about "liberty and justice for all"?  Should not life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be the underlying principle that guides policy and decisions?  It seems that, as a nation and a people, we have strayed so far from what is really important.  But I, for one, refuse to give up that belief.
Is not our entire nation's existence supposed to be about "liberty and justice for all"?  Should not life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be the underlying principle that guides policy and decisions?  It seems that, as a nation and a people, we have strayed so far from what is really important.  But I, for one, refuse to give up that belief.

My Situation

September 24, 2012
I'm incarcerated for sexual exploitation of a minor, or in layman's terms, possession of child pornography.  Allow me to immediately say that I have never, nor would I ever, act in a sexually inappropriate way toward any living human of any age.  I need to put that out there right away.  It does not excuse what I did, but I sincerely believe there to be a significant difference between looking at pictures and acting improperly toward another human being.
I acknowledge my guilt and claim full responsibility for my misguided and reprehensible mistakes.  I will say that while I realize that I have contributed to an abusive and exploitive  industry, I did not contribute money nor did I ever distribute or share these images.  This does not excuse my actions, but I believe it needed to be said.  Not a day passes that I am not sorry for what I did.
Not only have I lost my freedom through this ordeal, but also my career, my home through foreclosure, and my fiancée who I loved more than any other person in my life.  I have significantly affected my relationship with my kids from my marriage and obviously caused turmoil for them and many others.  My former fiancée gave birth to our son shortly after I was incarcerated, and I have never laid eyes on him, nor do I know anything about him.
A big question…  do I deserve all of this?  I most certainly do not condone my actions, but the short answer is NO, I do not think I do.  There is a tendency in our current society to label a variety of actions, neuroses, and activities within a single label of "sex offenses" and that label is commonly, in turn, perceived as "child molester" by media and society, regardless of the actual offense.
As stated, I never touched another person inappropriately and I find that repulsive, disgusting, and horrific in spite of my own crimes.  Yet my sentence is considerably longer than that of many others who did touch and/or had relations with minors.  One reason for this is that in Arizona, a single image carries a mandatory sentence of 5 to 15 years.  A person rarely has a single image, so the sentence can be astronomical.  But a perpetrator engaged in inappropriate relations might  sleeps with "only" one victim, which results in one count of the offense that falls under the same sentencing parameters.
Furthermore, upon my release I will be on lifetime probation and be registered as a sex offender, both of which carry an incredible range of restrictions on what I can and can't do.  No other class of felonies, including murder, drug dealing, armed robbery, assault or even multiple violent offenses carries such far reaching restrictions.  Don't get me wrong, I certainly acknowledge the importance of protecting society and especially children.  There are people who really should be kept away from society, both sex offenders and other offenders, but here in this prison, which houses most of Arizona's  sex offenders,  those extreme cases  are truly the minority

My Story

September 24, 2012

I think a brief overview of how I got here is in order at this point.  What led to this terrible predicament and this devastatingly dangerous fascination?  Allow me to give a simplified version of the facts.
I've always had a fascination with, and I can now say an addiction to, pornography in general.  Since I first discovered my dad's "stash" of Playboy and Penthouse magazines, I was hooked.  The extent and nature of my porn consumption varied greatly with my environment and availability of materials. 
I got married around 1993 and spent about 10 years with my now ex-wife.  We never had the most active sex life, primarily due to her endometriosis, which caused pain with intercourse.  She reluctantly tolerated my use of porn, which eventually became exclusively digital as that technology was obviously the cheapest and simplest to access.  There was no exposure to, nor interest in, anything under-age or illegal, until I lived in Japan, where I developed a bit of a fetish for the "schoolgirl" uniforms and scenarios that are so common there.
My ex-wife and I eventually had two children, a girl and then a boy, and got divorced a year after the birth of our son, in 2004.  The divorce was tough on me, and kind of ugly.  I retreated further into a world of internet porn, having little desire to "make the effort" or to trust living, breathing women. I had a considerable lack of self-confidence.  I went through all types of "genres" of porn, eventually getting bored with one after another.  Eventually, searches for "schoolgirl" themed porn returned images of actual schoolgirls.  The ages of these girls range from 10 to 40.  It was new to me, and admittedly exciting.  I downloaded folder upon folder of free images -- without looking at them first.  It was easier and faster to download, then look at them later.  The vast majority of these images were clothed, or mostly clothed, and were not illegal, though I am still embarrassed by my lack of restraint.  Occasionally, the images were illegal, and some of the models were very young.  When  I found images involving men abusing young girls, I was repulsed and quit downloading content.  But due to stupidity and laziness, I did not delete these images, and I continued to look at the other content that still excited me.
Then, about six years after my divorce, I fell helplessly, hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with Jessica (not her real name).  She was the sister of my best friend, I had met her several years before we got together, when she was passing through town visiting her brother.  My attraction was immediate then, but the timing and circumstances were not right.  Later, on a vacation to Central America to visit her with her brother, she was living on a beautiful tropical island, we hooked up and I fell in love.
I fell hard and fast, though she was a bit more tentative.  We corresponded regularly after the trip and I visited again a few months later.  It was magical, beautiful, and intense.  We shared our hidden secrets and tragic flaws.
She had been in some bad relationships and had been raped as a teen.  I revealed my attraction to schoolgirl fantasies, though I withheld the extent of that interest.  I feared losing her.  After months of even more intense communication, she came to Arizona and moved in with me.  The fairy tale relationship developed astronomically fast, we were engaged and she was pregnant in less than two months.  My interest in porn was gone.  I was so in love and so committed.  I deleted all of my child porn before she moved in, but copies of it all remained on my backup drive.  (I've already admitted to my idiocy!)
As the pregnancy advanced, her libido decreased and I started looking at porn again (legal only!).  There was a little episode where she was upset about this, but acknowledged her lack of interest in sex and agreed that this was a viable alternative.
She asked to use my backup drive for some of her stuff, and I realized I had to wipe it clean.  I was looking through my drive that the images I needed to delete and I thought I had begun the process.  Apparently I hadn't, and Jess stumbled upon them.  Needless to say, it wasn't pretty.  She wouldn't speak to me and she left the next morning on a trip with a friend.  She took the computer and the hard drive with her.  I haven't seen her since.
I tried to explain, I sent emails, I tried to call, I wrote letters (once I found out where she was), but she would not talk to me.  She had promised, once, that we would always communicate our problems.  She lied.  A few weeks later I was contacted by the police regarding "an incident".  I got a lawyer, completely flabbergasted that she had gone to the police. 
Two months later, after my home was searched and a warrant issued, I turned myself in, spent a few days in jail, and was released on bail.  Jessica and I resumed communication for the months I was out on bail.  She circumnavigated my big questions, but admitted hope that I would have a place in our child's life.  She promised answers to my questions "when this was all over".  I still don't know what that means.  She had turned over the computer, the drive, as well as all my communications to her, which included admission, explanations , and apologies, asking to hear me out. 
I signed a plea agreement, expecting the minimum five years and a term of probation.  I got 7 1/2 years and life probation.  I will likely have to serve 85% of it.  In Arizona, most felons serve 65% of sentences, but sex offenders serve 85%.  All other felons can move " up" to minimum security yards with more freedom.  Not so for sex offenders.  All others can pay their dues and get on with life without lingering restrictions.  Not so with us.
I do not intend to trivialize or minimize my mistakes, but I also believe that "system" is neither just, nor organized to assist in rehabilitation.  That being said, I have and continue to attempt to better myself mentally, spiritually, and physically while I pass this time.  I've become more involved in Buddhist study, though I do not exclude any ideas that help in my development.  I'm taking on the 12 steps of addiction as a framework for healing and understanding my actions.  I practice yoga, meditation, I work out, and I read and write voraciously.
There are still many unanswered questions in my mind, the majority dealing with Jess and how and why she did what she did.  I realize how upset, confused, and scared she must've been, but I naively thought that part of love was working through problems.  It seems there were better ways to deal with the situation, and communication should have played a role.  I feel very betrayed, and so very sorry I hurt her, though it was never about or against her.
I have hurt and upset so many people, and most of all my beautiful kids who I was, and continued to attempt to be, so very close to.  I'm so sad when I think of my new baby boy, who I write to regularly.  I haven't heard a word from Jess since I left county jail for state prison almost a year ago.

First Post

September 24, 2012

I write this from a state prison in Arizona where I am nearly a year into a 7 1/2 year sentence.  I am posting this for several reasons:  first as a way to transcend the physical boundaries of my confinement, second as an attempt to foster awareness and understanding of the realities of the " justice system", third so that perhaps others might avoid the trials and tribulations that I continue to undergo on a daily basis, and lastly, to feel that I have a voice and a place in this world.
My story  is not pretty, nor am I particularly proud of some aspects of it.  It is not something that is easy to talk about, nor easy to read.  My chronicles, as well as my reflections, will be presented honestly and without bias, as much as is possible by an ego-attached human being, like myself.
I ask that anyone reading these words does so with an open mind and with an attempt for compassion toward an imperfect fellow human being.  I realize that this is difficult with such a sensitive and taboo subject, but I ask you to suspend your prejudices and preconceived notions when considering my words.
I've had a rather interesting and exciting life, having spent many years traveling and working my way about the globe.  I'm a loving and devoted father, and it I dedicated my heart and soul to my career as a teacher, with the intent to not only educate, but to stimulate critical an independent thinking amongst my students.
With this blog I hope to create dialogue, express my thoughts and observations, and help anyone who might be in any sort of remotely similar situation.  I want to thank my dear friend for suggesting and assistance in this endeavor.  I have no computer access so posting and responses will take some time.  I am not in an "instant access" environment!  I welcome and appreciate thoughts, feedback, and questions, but be patient please.  Thank you.